with Purpose.

HMK9 Training Philosophy
Our program focuses on bridging the gap between you and your canine companion. The first step in training is to become fluent in a communication system that makes learning clear and enjoyable for the dog. Using Heart Mountain K9's system, you and your dog will build a stronger relationship, and your dog will obey your command of his own free will.
Classes are kept small for maximum 1-on-1 time with the trainer. This page is continually updated as new classes come available so
If you don't see the class you are looking for, please message us to let us know. Our class schedule is based on the requests we receive.
Group Classes!!!
Train your dog in the protection, obedience, and tracking sport of your choice.
Provide a dog trained to protect, or Train the dog you have.
Train your dog to aid you in the tracking and harvesting of game.
Train your dog in Competition and Home Obedience.
Train your dog in this popular activity or take your Game to the next level.
Stabilize your dog's aggression while building their confidence.
Train your dog to Search for items or Footstep Track.
If the training you are seeking is not listed, just ask.
Obedience Work
$2300 per Month Board and Train
Basic Obedience Training
3x Daily work with aggression issues
A Leather HMK9 Leash
6 Week Board and Train
4 Private Lessons
A Leather HMK9 Leash
Free Educator E-Collar
Fully Off-leash trained companion GUARANTEED
Heart Mountain K9 offers a range of obedience training from your living room, to the park, and on to the trial field. Whatever skills you need your dog to perform, we will help you achieve your goals and build a stronger relationship with your canine at the same time.

Basic obedience Package
3 Weeks Board and Train
2 Private Lessons
A Leather HMK9 Leash
Fully on-leash trained companion GUARANTEED
Aggression Rehab Package

Advanced Obedience Package
1 Private Lesson $80
4 Private Lessons $300
Heart Mountain K9 trains protection in the form of controlled aggression. Every dog has aggression; We specialize in manipulating and controlling that aggression to create a stable companion who can be both utilized as a protection tool, and enjoyed by all members of your family.

Turn My Dog into a Protection Dog!
Not every dog is suitable for protection work and Heart Mountain K9 has a firm belief that a dog should not be forced to do something that it does no possess strong aptitude for. Forcing a dog into aggression can cause major issues and is not a safe, nor is it a morally sound practice.
if your dog shows an aptitude for this kind of work, we are happy to assist you in developing his/her skills, and seeing you clear to the end of your journey with your canine partner.
Start your journey Early!
Starting protection work with your puppy is the best way to ensure success. If you wait until your dog is older, you may have missed out on our opportunity to condition him/her properly for future success.
Consult a Professional Before Purchasing a Pup
It is a common misconception that any German Shepherd can do the job and those who want a protection dog jump to buying the first pup they see. The reality is that these people quickly find out that their new pup is not what they needed. It is better to talk to your trainer and ask for recommendations before committing to buying a pup.
"Raise Your Own" Personal Protection Dog Package
$15,000 Level 1
4 months Board & Train
16 private lessons
15 scenario based sessions
Free Educator E-collar
Free Leather HMK9 Leash
Personalized options (dependent on client needs)

Buy a Trained Protection Dog
This option gives you the ability to see the finished product before putting a lot of time and resources into a pup. We have developed a specialized method to raise our pups to excel at protection work and to be amazing family companions. The purchase of one of these dogs comes with lifetime support.
Click here to see our available dogs
1 Private Protection Lesson $120
4 Protection Lessons $400
Heart Mountain K9 offers training for both competition nose work and practical applications. We train dogs to detect pests (such as snakes), as well as, but not limited to: mold, gas leaks, sheds and any other scent you could imagine. Heart Mountain K9 is also active in the leasing and sales of dogs suited for law enforcement style detection work. This includes: explosive detection, narcotics detection, and the detection of other illegal/ controlled substances.
Our trainers are well versed in all areas of tracking, including: Competition Nose Work, SAR (Search and Rescue), Law Enforcement Apprehension, as well as leisure style nose work such as hunting, and blood trail tracking.
Private Lessons 4 for $300
Nose Work comes in many different forms but can be separated into two diffecnt categories: Tracking/Trailing and Detection .

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